Special transport of blades for wind turbines, truck transporting a wind turbine blade that due to its large size requires a special adapted semi-trailer and accompanying vehicles (or galibos) for safety to warn other users of the danger on the road. - a Royalty Free Stock Photo from Photocase

Special transport of blades for wind turbines, truck transporting a wind turbine blade that due to its large size requires a special adapted semi-trailer and accompanying vehicles (or galibos) for safety to warn other users of the danger on the road.

Buy this Royalty Free Stock Photo on Special transport of blades for wind turbines, truck transporting a wind turbine blade that due to its large size requires a special adapted semi-trailer and accompanying vehicles (or galibos) for safety to warn other users of the danger on the road. transporte especial camion aerogenerador energia eolica carretera grande voluminoso helice baliza parte vehiculo autopista carga remolque industria flete coche negocios atardecer largo nubes fragil Paris for your Editorial or Promotional Website, Book Cover, Flyer, Article, Wordpress Blog and Template from Photocase.

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