A dragonfly encased in amber hues of frost, with a backdrop fusion of fiery reds and yellows, creating a striking contrast with the surrounding cold blues textures, reminiscent of a warm fire meeting the cold winter - a Royalty Free Stock Photo from Photocase

A dragonfly encased in amber hues of frost, with a backdrop fusion of fiery reds and yellows, creating a striking contrast with the surrounding cold blues textures, reminiscent of a warm fire meeting the cold winter

Buy this Royalty Free Stock Photo on A dragonfly encased in amber hues of frost, with a backdrop fusion of fiery reds and yellows, creating a striking contrast with the surrounding cold blues textures, reminiscent of a warm fire meeting the cold winter orange vibrant warmth ice artistic macro nature frozen insect crystal bubble abstract seasonal close-up radiant glow shimmer iridescence chill delicate pattern translucent preservation autumnal serene ecosystem survival hibernation macrophotography fineart mystical trapped colorful silhouette for your Editorial or Promotional Website, Book Cover, Flyer, Article, Wordpress Blog and Template from Photocase.

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