Portrait of black dog in the garden with owner in the background - a Royalty Free Stock Photo from Photocase

Portrait of black dog in the garden with owner in the background dog owner woman females women gardens domestic garden senior women elder women elder woman old

Buy this Royalty Free Stock Photo on Portrait of black dog in the garden with owner in the background dog owner woman females women gardens domestic garden senior women elder women elder woman old senior woman dogs Canine pet owner Pet Owners owners people persons human being humans human beings Adults grown-ups grownups adult senior adults pets animal creatures animals self-made Head Animal Heads Standing Out From The Crowd uniqueness singleness animal themes crochet tablecloth active seniors back rest back rests unconventional Offbeat lifestyle life styles eccentric eccentricity Real People characters skill Ability skilled Germany nonconformity dyed hair redheaded red hair red hairs red-haired caucasian caucasian ethnicity caucasian appearance European european 65-70 years 65 to 70 years 60-70 60 to 70 one person 1 one person only only one person pensioner pensioners female pensioners home-made for your Editorial or Promotional Website, Book Cover, Flyer, Article, Wordpress Blog and Template from Photocase.

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