A ramp winds its way up the old tower. The light that falls through the windows also moves up a bit in the course of the day. - a Royalty Free Stock Photo from Photocase

A ramp winds its way up the old tower. The light that falls through the windows also moves up a bit in the course of the day. Tower Ramp Tourist Attraction

Buy this Royalty Free Stock Photo on A ramp winds its way up the old tower. The light that falls through the windows also moves up a bit in the course of the day. Tower Ramp Tourist Attraction Vantage point Inspection visit Window Light Shadow Old Historic university Grating outlook masonry Calm silent tranquillity Meditation Concentrate Stone bows Curved Harmonious Architecture Manmade structures Building Deserted Old town Going Ascending Ramp up To board for your Editorial or Promotional Website, Book Cover, Flyer, Article, Wordpress Blog and Template from Photocase.

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